

Personality is any person's collection of interrelated behavioral, cognitive and emotional patterns that comprise a person’s unique adjustment to life. These interrelated patterns are relatively stable, but can change over long time periods.

Peadophile Hunters

In the UK alone, over 150 hunting teams were collectively responsible for 1,148 citizen arrest confrontations with suspected paedophiles in 2021.

Identifying Religious Abuse

One specific meaning of the term religious abuse refers to psychological manipulation and harm inflicted on a person by using the teachings of their religion. This is perpetrated by members of the same or similar faith and includes the use of a position of authority within the religion.

Beyond Conformity

Conformity is the act of matching attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to group norms, politics or being like-minded. Norms are implicit, specific rules, shared by a group of individuals, that guide their interactions with others.

Defining Trauma

Psychological trauma is damage to a person's mind as a result of one or more events that cause overwhelming amounts of stress that exceed the person's ability to cope or integrate the emotions involved, eventually leading to serious, long-term negative consequences. Trauma is not the same as mental distress or suffering, both of which are universal human experiences.


Interrogation is interviewing as commonly employed by law enforcement officers, military personnel, intelligence agencies, organised crime syndicates, and terrorist organisations with the goal of eliciting useful information, particularly information related to suspected crime.

Inalienable Possession

In linguistics, inalienable possession (INAL) is a type of possession in which a noun is obligatorily possessed by its possessor. Nouns or nominal affixes in an inalienable possession relationship cannot exist independently or be "alienated" from their possessor.


Since 2014, multiple mass killings have been perpetrated by self-identified incels, as well as other instances of violence or attempted violence. After the 2018 Toronto van attack, incel communities have been repeatedly criticised by researchers and the media for being misogynistic, encouraging violence, spreading extremist views, and radicalising their members.


Behaviorism emerged in the early 1900s as a reaction to depth psychology and other traditional forms of psychology, which often had difficulty making predictions that could be tested experimentally, but derived from earlier research in the late nineteenth century, such as the law of effect, a procedure that involved the use of consequences to strengthen or weaken behavior.